Host Guide -
Funtivity App on MS Teams

This guide offers helpful tips and instructions that will prepare you to make the most of your premium Funtivity subscription.

A Quick Note For you..


On behalf of all of the Hermis team - we are so glad to be launching this new partnership with your organization.

Every day, Hermis and Funtivity help address problems with retention, meeting burnout, and disengagement among distributed, remote, or hybrid employees.This guide offers helpful tips and instructions that will prepare you to make the most of your premium Funtivity subscription.

As a new member of our user community, it's important that you know a few key pieces of information before you get started:

Funtivity on MS Teams: Basic Troubleshooting

Basic Troubleshooting for Event Hosts

• If someone is unable able to hear or is not being heard, please ask them to rejoin and reconnect their webcam or microphone. This generally solves 90% of such issues.

• If someone is having issues with wireless earphones, please ask them to check that the audio device is indeed connected to the laptop & not to another device like a phone.

• If you, the host, are having any odd “bug” issues with activities ending or questions being accidentally skipped, please be sure that you are not inadvertently touching your mouse/trackpad and clicking the “End Activity” or “Skip” button without realizing it.

• If you are not seeing an option, like trivia answers or a text box, please try scrolling up/down/sideways. The size of your MS Teams window view may affect how the app displays on your screen. You can pop out the window if you'd like.

• If you are not the Teams meeting organizer or host, you can still lead a Funtivity. First, have the meeting owner add a Funtivity tab to the meeting, select the activity, and invite you to play. Once you appear on the list of participants, the meeting owner can transfer Funtivity host permissions to you by selecting you on the list of participants. You will then have the ability to select the agenda items, go through the activity questions, and end the activity.

• If you have any other issues these tips don't resolve, please contact

Funtivity on MS Teams: Tips & Best Practices

General best practices for participants

• Prior to joining all events, we highly recommend that all participants update their MS Teams client to the latest version, to access all the latest features and functionalities for MS Teams and Funtivity.

• Teams has not yet introduced the capability to use apps on a mobile device, which will be coming in the future. For now, do not use a mobile device to join a Funtivity event on MS Teams.

• Most issues with connection and inability to access an ongoing Funtivity can be solved by updating your Teams client
and re-joining.

Tips for Event Hosts

• We recommend opening the room at least 5 minutes early to welcome guests as they arrive, especially for first-time attendees. You can add the Funtivity App as a tab in your meeting before opening the event if you'd like to plan ahead. Only the meeting owner can add the Funtivity App tab to a meeting.

• In your event invitation, encourage guests to come ready to participate with their webcam and microphone on to increase engagement with the activities and each other.

• Remember to fully explain both the agenda overview & individual activities when the event begins. This can help guests feel more comfortable and prepared to fully engage in the day's activities.

For trivia, instruct players that once they click an answer, it cannot be changed. This drives collaboration, engagement, and a spirit of competition. Most activities also have an audible timer to help players answer on time.


1. How do I sign-up?

As part of your host license, you are automatically signed up for “Funtivity by Hermis” on MS Teams and can access all premium content.

2. How do I download?

Click the Apps button on the left navigation bar within MS Teams, and search for “Funtivity by Hermis”. Click 'Add'. You will be prompted to verify that you'd like to enable access to the app. Once you have enabled the app, you can then add it to a meeting or team chat to get playing.

3. How do I start an activity?

Add a new tab to your meeting or chat and select the app to launch it in your sidebar. Double click to begin one of the many available activities! To launch during an ongoing virtual meeting, the meeting owner must first add Funtivity as a tab in the meeting.

4. If I have a tech issue, can I get assistance?

Yes. Please email to report any issues or to send us your feedback about Funtivity.

5. Is the number of activities I can play limited?

No. Launch and enjoy as many activities as you'd like within your allotted meeting or event time!

6. Which platforms are supported?

We currently support the Windows, Mac, and web browser versions of Teams only. Mobile is not yet available.

7. Is the number of activity participants limited?

Anyone can launch Funtivity, but your company's MS Teams license will determine if there are any limits on participation or call duration. A few activities, such as Forbidden Words and Charades, are limited to a minimum or maximum number of players.

For a detailed installation guide, visit:

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